Aromatische Marmelade aus reifen Brombeeren, frischem Thymian und einem Hauch Timut. Lecker aufs Brot gestrichen.

Timut blackberry thyme jam

Ingredients for 1 jar of 350 g

350 g fresh blackberries
200 g sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice (freshly squeezed or bottled)
3 sprigs of thyme
1 teaspoon freshly ground Timut pepper


Wash the blackberries and bring to the boil together with the sugar and lemon juice. Stir and then simmer gently for about 15 minutes. Shortly before the end of the cooking time, strip the thyme leaves from the branches in the opposite direction to the direction of growth and stir into the jam. Also mix in the ground Timut pepper. Add a pinch of salt. Done.

The jam is very fine on croissants, with cheese, pears, mushrooms, etc.