Pepper contains a variety of ingredients, the most important of which is piperine.
The alkaloids piperine (5-8%), piperettine (0.4-0.8%), piperyline (0.2-0.3%) and others are crucial for the spiciness of pepper.
Other ingredients include essential oils, fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Essential oils: White pepper contains about 2.5 percent essential oil, and green and black pepper contain up to 4.8 percent. The main components of the essential oil are beta-caryophyllene, 3-carene and limonene. The essential oils give the pepper its complex aroma spectrum.
Vitamins: Pepper contains various vitamins, including A, B6 and K.
Minerals: The minerals contained include calcium and iron.
Fiber: Although not present in large quantities, pepper also contains fiber.
What are the health benefits of pepper?
Interestingly, piperine not only stimulates heat receptors in the body, but also increases saliva flow and gastric juice production, which can promote digestion.
These ingredients make pepper more than just a spice - it also has potential health benefits that have long been used in Far Eastern traditional medicine.
It is important to note that the content of these ingredients can vary depending on the quality and processing of the pepper. For example, ground pepper often has lower levels of essential oils and piperine than whole peppercorns.
By the way: In the ZDF series besser/esser, product designer Sebastian Lege reveals the connections between the low piperine content of ground pepper and piperine as a dietary supplement.